Exploring the dynamic intersection of design methodology within the legal sphere.

As we journey into the realm of Public Legal Design, we embark on a path that merges the worlds of design and law. This merging leads us to reimagine how we perceive, interact with, and ultimately shape the future of legal systems.

Through creative collaboration and innovative thinking, we have the power to pave the way for legal processes that are not only efficient but also deeply resonant with the aspirations of individuals and the collective society.

Reimagine the future of law

Design • Technology • Co-creation • A.I. •

Design • Technology • Co-creation • A.I. •

By harnessing the strengths of law and design, we can break down barriers to legal understanding, empower individuals to engage with the legal system confidently, and lay the groundwork for a future where legal processes are not only efficient but also deeply resonant with the diverse aspirations of humanity.


In a rapidly changing world, creative approaches are crucial in addressing complex challenges. Traditional legal practices often struggle to keep pace with the evolving landscape. The growing demand for accessibility and inclusivity further amplifies the need for innovative solutions. PublicLegalDesign acknowledges that legal systems must not remain static entities but adapt alongside new technologies, shifting social dynamics, and the complexities of global interactions.


Holistic approach to Legal Design

Creativity & Reimagination

Bringing a distinctive approach that goes beyond the technical aspects of law. Exploring the emotional, psychological, and cultural dimensions of legal issues, unveiling insights that might remain hidden within conventional legal analysis. Bridging gaps, rendering legal concepts understandable and engaging for the general public to craft innovative frameworks capable of navigating the complexities of contemporary challenges.

Co-creation & transdisciplinary

Collaborating with diverse disciplines as a beacon of hope for a legal system that serves all members of society equitably and with the creativity it deserves. Following co-design principles and seeking alignment with community collaborations to serve human needs by challenging existing norms and power structures, paving the way for conversations about justice, equity, and inclusivity.

AI & Technology

Integrating digital solutions and AI algorithms to make legal interactions more user-friendly and accessible, thereby creating an environment where the legal system becomes approachable and navigable for everyone. Visualize complex legal data in ways that are both comprehensible and engaging. Creating a future landscape that transcends conventional boundaries, and responds dynamically to the evolving needs of society.


Redesigning Public Services

Collaborating with government officials, public administration, and end users to redesign public services and processes, making them more efficient and user-centric. Fostering more responsive and effective state and legal services all through hands-on co-creation and innovation.

Transformative Consultancy for Public and Legal Innovation

Capacity Building

Facilitating workshops and transformative initiatives within institutions ranging from federal governments to international organizations. Empowering public servants with the skills and insights needed to drive positive change, enhancing their ability to navigate complex challenges.


Actively engaging in advocacy work, speaking on panels, hosting discussions, and collaborating with non-governmental organizations. The unique blend of expertise, combining deep legal knowledge with innovation and community engagement, positions PublicLegalDesign as a bridge between civil and state organizations.

The Goal

Focusing on the transformative potential of Public Legal Design

  • Empower citizens by crafting processes and services through state institutions and public administration.

  • Enhancing both efficiency and overall satisfaction for all stakeholders involved.

  • Reimagining the way we perceive, engage with, and ultimately shape the future of legal systems.

Exploring the dynamic intersection of design methodology within both

the legal and socio-legal spheres,

utilizing a blend of formal and informal public advocacy methods.

About the Founder

With a blend of legal expertise and design thinking, Rojda Tosun is dedicated to reshaping the legal landscape into a user-centric environment and committed to innovating the future of law through empathy and ingenuity.

The emerging field of Public Legal Design presents an avenue for transformation.

It acknowledges that law is not a static entity but a living, evolving ecosystem deeply intertwined with the fabric of society.

Learn more about the work

Redesign of Ministerial Law Making

Advised on innovations in the legislative process under the auspices of the German Federal Chancellery and co-created the "Competence Center for Good Legislation" (ZfgG).

Revolutionize Public Services in Guinea-Bissau

Co-created solutions with civil servants aimed at streamlining workflows, enhancing service access, and reducing process time in collaboration with UNDP’s Accelerator Lab.

Discover the Essence of Legal Innovation

Instructing public administration officials on integrating new methodologies and technologies into the legislative process. Complementing and enhancing the legislative landscape with additional perspectives.


Join the transformative journey!

PublicLegalDesign offers a promising avenue for transformative change in the legal landscape